Saturday, 12 April 2014

Top Fat Burning Foods For Your Diet

Fat burning foods do not only help you get in the fat burning zone. Eaten on a regular basis, they will determine what your body appears like and how you feel. More than exercise, greater than supplements, nothing else modulates your body composition more than diet. If you don't take drastic measures, a healthy eating plan which includes generous servings of fiber plus antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables is really a sensible approach for shedding those extra pounds.

In reality you won’t burn just belly fat but you'll actually burn fat all over your body. If you have a large amount of belly fat you will lose it, however. Some people may get fat around the abdominal area. This appears like the hardest of the body fat to be rid of. Using the proper foods you can burn that fat.


Eating chilies causes exactly the same effect on the body as exercising does; it increases your metabolic rate for about 20 minutes after consuming it. This is due to caffeine capsaicin. Capsaicin which is thermogenic in nature immediately converts some of the food you consume into heat. This process is known as diet-induced thermo genesis and usually the food that is burned in this process is carbohydrates. Another benefit is the fact that chilies are appetite suppressants. By eating food that's high in chilies, you will naturally eat lesser food at subsequent meals.


Navy, kidney and white beans are high in protein, fiber and iron. Make certain to cook these before eating as some fibers can cause gastrointestinal disturbances. Minimize beans which are refried or baked as these are high in fat and/or sugars.


Many think about this nutritional powerhouse the best fat burner of all. With a whopping eight grams of protein and five grams of fiber in one cup, this ancient grain keeps you feeling full for hours. Plus it’s filled with iron, selenium, zinc, and vitamin E.


A recent overview of foods that can treat obesity and prevent diabetes wrote the avocado has tremendous antioxidant capacity, and has been shown to completely eradicate chronic inflammation associated with high body fat in mice. Adding avocados and pomegranates towards the diet of the mice allowed for them to lose fat and also have better insulin sensitivity with time.


The benefit of spinach for weight loss is really a universally known fact. Spinach is extremely low in calorie and high in fiber and vitamins and minerals like iron. For this reason reason, you can have a lot of spinach and still be inside a healthy calorie range. The best way would be to include two to three cups of spinach daily to your diet to reap its many benefits. You can include it to your salad, sauté it with some other vegetables or combine it with a smoothie.

Curry Leaves

Along with giving exceptional taste and flavor to your daily meal, curry leaves contain nutrients that eliminate toxins from the body and reduce bad cholesterol levels. By incorporating eight to ten curry leaves daily in your diet can help you get each one of these benefits.


Vinegar aids the body in storing carbohydrates as muscle glycogen instead of storing them as fat. In addition, research has shown eating vinegar as a seasoning with meals can improve pancreatic function, minimizing the insulin response to carbs. Even if you simply add vinegar to your salad or cruciferous vegetables, it may lower the insulin reaction to your whole meal, leading to a more moderate elevation in blood sugar.


Using mustard seed or mustard oil in your food can help maintain your weight. Mustard is really a nutrient mine with large amount of B complexes such as folates, niacin, thiamine and riboflavin and in addition they help speed up your metabolism. Using mustard paste instead of your ketchup can help reduce your consumption of unhealthy fats since it is low in fat and calorie. You may also flavor your salad with this in place of your usual seasoning and may still get the flavorful taste.

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