Saturday 21 February 2015

Lemon Juice For Healthy And Strong Hair

Lemon juice is excellent for promoting hair growth and fighting scalp infections. Being renowned because of its antifungal and antibacterial properties, it might be wise to use lemon juice for the hair and scalp. It so happens that often, we often eat foods that usually do not offer substantial vitamins and minerals, which results in overall deficiency inside the body. The state of an individual's hair can tell a great deal about how well nourished and healthy that individual really is. There are many natural ingredients which can be used for promoting hair growth as well as for regaining essential health.

Adding lemon juice to a hair recipe just like an Egg and Lemon Shampoo (recipe below) or rinsing your hair with lemon juice that has been diluted in water has the next benefits:

Lemon and Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar with some lemon juice and apply all evenly on your scalp and your entire hair. Apple cider vinegar is within itself extremely rich in vitamins and minerals and it is excellent for cleansing the scalp and for hair growth. When it is mixed with lemon, the nutritional value rises many fold and it is thus excellent for hair growth, strengthening, and general health.

Lemon and dandruff

Dandruff is another common hair and scalp problem that if left untreated might eventually result in hair loss. It can either be caused by weather conditions, hormonal imbalance and stress. This can be treated by utilizing lemon oil that is mixed with curd. Apply all of this over the head while massaging it thoroughly on your scalp.

Massage the Scalp

You may also massage lemon juice into your scalp to help remove buildup here. A great way to remove dandruff that can cause the scalp being itchy and uncomfortable. Removing buildup around the scalp can also help your hair grow more effectively.

Coconut Water and Lemon Juice

Fresh coconut water is extremely rich in nutrients and is a great conditioner. You may add the juice of a complete lemon to one whole cup of coconut water after which apply to your hair. Let this remain for 1 hour or so and then wash under running water. Be sure you wash your hair properly, because coconut water can make the hair sticky.

Lemon, Egg and Yogurt 

You might mix the juice of an entire lemon using the 2 tablespoons of yogurt and one whole raw egg. Make a thick paste and then apply evenly all around the scalp and hair. Allow it to dry completely, then you may wash it off utilizing a mild shampoo. Oil your hair a bit after washing your hair, if you think your hair is looking a bit too dry.

Friday 30 January 2015

Beginner Treadmill Workout for Weight Loss

Intervals are hands down one of the best ways to fire up the rate that your body burns fat. If you're attempting to drop weight but you don't like the idea of spening too much time and hours in the gym, you have to learn to utilize treadmill interval workouts. To lose weight using a treadmill, you must exercise intensely enough and often enough to create a caloric deficit. The treadmill can be a calorie-burning, fat-scorching device to help you achieve this goal. Always talk to your physician before beginning an exercise program to ensure that you have no health conditions that could keep you from safely utilizing a treadmill.

Exercise speeds up weight loss, and the body doesn't generally rebel against exercise the way in which it does against fewer calories. Use of a treadmill workout allows you to lose weight fast without severely restricting calories.


The notion that walking does not help to burn fat is absolutely untrue. Actually, walking briskly everyday may permit you to lose weight faster than jogging. A leisurely treadmill walk won't provide any weight loss effects. Speed walking is exactly what you should aim at when on the treadmill. So, when you are walking on the treadmill, you ought to be able to cover up a mile in 12-14 minutes or 4.4 miles (7-8 km) each hour. So, if you find running too stressful for your joints, you have to walk at this pace on the treadmill for around 25-30 minutes. All in all, if you take your treadmill walking seriously, there isn't any reason why you wouldn't lose weight in less time.


By jogging on the treadmill you will be immensely helping towards to burning of the fat deposits. Don't hold onto the front bar of the treadmill whilst jogging because it will not hold you having a good posture and it will also defeat the objective of losing weight as it will take far longer to complete.


Aside from walking, you can also do running-one of the best options of treadmill workouts to lose weight that burn calories in a rapid rate. If you find it dangerous to operate outdoors, you can always run on a treadmill because the benefits are just the same anyway. Treadmills possess a feature that allows you to adjust the speed of the platform so that as far as duration is worried, you have to run for around 30 minutes at 6 miles per hour speed so you would notice rapid burning of calories.


Running as quickly as possible for a small duration (seconds) is called a sprint. The 100m running competition in athletics is the greatest example of sprints. In these events that last for 10-12 seconds, the participant has to run at his maximum possible speed to win your competition. Amongst all the treadmill workouts, this is considered to be probably the most effective to drop those extra pounds. It is because sprints are a very high intensity workout as you has to run as fast as one can. So, the calorie expenditure increases dramatically as well as the body continues to burn calories long after the exercise has ended.

Treadmill Hill Workout

It is said that running outdoors is more difficult as you has to face wind resistance. In order to make treadmill running workout more challenging, one has to simply raise the inclination of the treadmill platform. When running with an inclined treadmill, you need to put more efforts because it increases the gravitational pull against your body. Therefore helps to speed up your calorie expenditure. The inclination expressed in percentage differs from 0 to 15. So, you are able to gradually increase the inclination as your endurance increases, to burn more calories and lose weight fast.

Speed Workouts

Just sticking with one treadmill workout can be monotonous and extremely boring. To prevent monotony of exercise, a combination of treadmill workouts may be the solution. For instance, adding several sessions of jogging in between your running treadmill workout won't help to add variety to your exercise but additionally reduce the stress on the muscles. Thus, it's possible to discontinue strenuous exercise (running) after every 4 minutes and start jogging for around 4 minutes. Performing treadmill workout in this manner is less strenuous on the joints, yet effective in losing weight. Thus, alternating between running and jogging repeatedly at regular intervals is much more enjoying and allows us to liberate from our everyday exercise.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Home Remedies for Teeth Whitening

Smiling, which usually feels good, can also make you feel self-conscious if your teeth are less than white or your lips are lined or cracked. But a slew of new treatments and products can keep you from wanting to stifle that grin.

While none of these suggestions will work in the same way as a professional whitening service, they can help whiten your teeth and they won't cost you a fortune. Just remember to talk to your dentist before you try any at-home remedies to make sure they won't damage your teeth.

Strawberry, Salt and Baking Soda Scrub

Strawberries are high in Vitamin C, which can help break-down plaque that is causing your teeth to look yellow. It also has an enzyme called malic acid, which may help to remove surface stains. The salt acts as an abrasive portion of the paste, physically scrubbing away stain-causing gunk, and the baking soda is an extra touch that you can choose to leave out if you’d prefer.


Lemon is known for its immune-boosting power, antibacterial, and healing properties. Lemon is not only used for skin diseases, but also used for whitening teeth. Take out the juice of lemon and mix it with some water. Rinse your mouth with this water.

Eat Crunchy Fruits and Veggies

Apples, celery, and carrots are all great for your teeth. Crunchy fruit or vegetables act like nature’s toothbrush. Simply chewing removes excess food and bacteria from your mouth. It also helps to scrub away surface stains. Not only does the texture remove food particles and bacteria, but the acids in the fruits and vegetables pull double duty, actually keeping the teeth whiter. Apples in particular contain malic acid, the chemical also found in strawberries (and teeth whitening products) that removes surface stains.


Salt is the easily available ingredient at home. It is considered to be the best dental cleansing agent for teeth whitening. It helps in refilling the lost minerals of teeth and regain whiteness. Salt can be used as a tooth powder to clean teeth.Salt can also be used with charcoal to whiten teeth.You can also add some salt with baking soda and rub it carefully on teeth to reduce the yellow stains.

Use a Straw

Coffee, tea, soda, and wine can all cause serious damage to the enamel of your teeth. Whenever possible, use a straw to reduce direct exposure to teeth. If drinking your coffee or wine out of a straw is more embarrassing than discolored teeth, just make sure to brush after drinking these beverages – except after drinking white wine.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Home Remedies To Cure Bronchitis

Home Remedies To Cure Bronchitis
Home Remedies To Cure Bronchitis
You thought you'd gotten within the cough. Morning comes and you realize your cough is worse than ever before. If you are coughing up phlegm and feel as if someone is beating up on your chest, you might have bronchitis. There is nothing worse than when you're sick and need a quick, easy remedy which will help you get through your busy lifestyle.
The environment we breathe enters our bodies with the trachea, which connects with the bronchi, the breathing tubes contributing into the alveoli in the lungs. In the lungs, air is exchange for carbon dioxide. You should always consider a bronchitis natural treatment approach because it will complement perfectly with other conventional treatments. Treat this condition using home remedies for bronchitis.
Research has shown that thyme is definitely an effective herbal remedy for bronchitis. Cough and mucus production was reduced by over 60% with a mixture of thyme and primrose. The best way to use thyme to treat bronchitis is to make tea. Use two teaspoons of fresh thyme and add boiling water. Let it steep for at least 5 minutes. Drink twice per day to spread out airways, decrease cough, and speed healing.
Epsom Salt
The Epsom salt bath is a well-known home remedy to treat symptoms of acute bronchitis. It is important for people suffering from chronic bronchitis to take a bath twice a day in the Epsom salt mixed water. If you suffer from from acute bronchitis, then it is ideal that you simply take a hot Epsom salt bath every night to get relief from bronchitis.
Take a glass of warm water, add a teaspoon of salt inside it and mix well. Gargle with this saltwater twice or thrice a day and especially before going to the bed. The salt water is highly effective for getting rid of the mucus causing irritation within the throat and also help reduce inflammation in the throat.
Drink green tea with chamomile
Green tea is antibacterial and kills viruses within the body. It also helps boost your immune system. You'll definitely want to drink tea, hot tea. Some green teas has chamomile inside it also. Try to find a green tea with chamomile. You can easily drink a chamomile tea as well. Chamomile tea helps cure bronchitis and common colds as well. One or the other, or both will help.
Lemon can effectively treat bronchitis and also helps to get rid of the mucus within the throat and lungs. Make lemon tea and consume it twice or thrice a day to cure sore throat and coughs. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon zest to a cup of water and boil for 5 minutes on a low flame. You may also gargle with lemon water to get rid of the problem. Add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to a cup of warm water. Gargle with this particular water twice or thrice a day.
One of the easiest home remedies that you can try to treat bronchitis is onions. Shallots or small onions is going to be offering a better remedy for bronchitis compared to normal large big onions. The onions possess the characteristics to dissolve the mucus and the phlegm.
Honey is a natural home remedy that has a large amount of medicinal properties and is very effective to treat a cough that is a symptom of bronchitis. It's loaded with antibacterial and antiviral properties that will help in soothing the throat and to reduce throat inflammation. It'll help in improving the immune system of the body.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Fitness Tips for Busy Woman

The world is a busy place. While everyone is on the go, nobody is busier than today’s women. Balancing the stress of a family, a career and stay healthy and fit can seem almost impossible. Fortunately expert personal trainers and nutritionists offer great health and fitness advice for today’s busy women.

A good body comes to the rescue on days when you feel your hair is not setting right or for some reason your skin is appearing dull. With rigid daily chores and long working hours, often it is not possible to find time to exercise. We present you with the best exercises to trim your body into the most flattering shape ever in hardly any time.

The top health and fitness tips for today’s women include:


Whenever you are doing your daily activities or participating in a fitness program, take a few minutes every so often and change things around. Go a little slower or faster, do it wrong, do it right, move in a variety of ways. Be playful with the variation of your movements and your brain will thrive. This approach will wake up your brain to connect with your body and improve the quality of the organization of your movements. The better the organization of your movements, the more fit you will become. The outcome will yield better organization of your muscles, along with fewer injuries, and greater energy and vitality.

Make a plan

This one may seem like such common sense but if you don't put it on your calendar to exercise it most likely will not happen. Taking care of yourself can so easily get pushed to the bottom of the list. While you can function that way temporarily it is not a long term solution if you want to be the best wife, mom, friend or employee. You must make a date with yourself to take care of your body so you can have the energy and stamina to do all God has called you to. Find what time of the day works best for you then stick to it.


Think of the movements you do during your daily tasks -- such as carrying your groceries, taking your laundry downstairs, making the bed, pushing the stroller, walking to another office -- as great exercise, and bring attention to your movements from time to time throughout the day. Use the movements to wake up your brain and engage it with ways that increase your fitness with what you are already doing. By doing this, you can increase your flexibility, your strength, your general fitness level, and you will become more alert.

Movement With Attention

The next time you do any kind of fitness regimen, take a few minutes, slow down, and pay close attention to what you feel as you move. Do this a number of times throughout your workout and you will begin feeling immediate changes that, in a few weeks, can translate into greater fitness, fewer injuries, and more vitality. Experience how your fitness will be enhanced in just a short time.

Find your passion

Now that you have found your time you will exercise figure out your how. We love to tell people to do something they enjoy. God created our bodies to move and function in a beautiful way. Too often we get into the comparison game and think we have to exercise exactly like someone else. But the problem is if you hate the format of exercise you chose you will have a very hard time sticking to it. Do you like to run, walk, lift weights, dance, roller blade, play a sport or compete? Figure out what it is that makes you come alive when you do it.

Friday 9 January 2015

Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan

The ketogenic diet is one of the oldest treatments for epilepsy. It is intended to maintain the starvation or fastingmetabolism over a long period of time. When the body is in a fasting state, it creates ketones, a by-product of fat-burning metabolism. It has long been recognized that seizures often lessen or disappear during periods of fasting in some individuals with epilepsy.

Some research indicates that a ketogenic diet can be effective for people with diabetes, though the diet also has its critics who question its safety over the medium and long term.

Ketogenic Diet Food List

Following is a list of foods to consume, and those to be avoided, in this diet plan.

Foods to Consume

Lean meat, lean poultry, eggs, fish, seafood, salami, sausages
Fruits and vegetables
Whole milk, cheese, yogurt, cream, peanut butter
Oils, butter, soy, flaxseed, mustard

Foods to Avoid

Potatoes, carrots, broccoli, yams, sweet potatoes, starchy vegetables
Bread, rice, pasta, donuts, cake
Honey, salad dressing, candy, chocolate
Bananas, peaches, other starchy fruits

You should remember that nearly all the products obtained from grains contain carbohydrates and hence, they should be excluded from the diet. On the other hand, highest amounts of fat are obtained from dairy sources. Secondly, consuming lean meat, poultry and seafood is also essential to gain proteins and fat.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

5 Natural Home Remedies for Skin Whitening

A whitened skin tone is a desire of every women. Most people don't have perfectly even skin tone. Even when we think we know someone who does, chances are due to them using skin lightener products to lighten their skin. Being a teenager and dealing with acne can wreak havoc on your skin for years to come as it often leaves behind scaring.
There can be many other causes for dark skin other than heredity and overexposure to sun. These could include environmental pollution, dry skin, stress, as well as prolonged use of cosmetics having lots of chemicals in them. If your dark skin is not due to genetic reasons, you might take an attempt to lighten your skin with the aid of these home remedies for skin lightening.

What are the natural ingredients used to whiten skin?

Natural skin whiteners use ingredients that can be available at many grocery stores. These home remedies for skin whitening recipes include items for example honey, lemon, rose water, papaya, tomatoes, egg, and potatoes for starters. For the most part, the items you would use to lighten skin naturally are stuff you might already be purchasing for your home.


The acidic property in lemons works like a natural bleaching agent for the skin and also the high amount of vitamin C in them encourages new cell growth. Also, lemons have antioxidants which are very good for skin complexion.
  • Dip a cotton ball in freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply it on your face. You can even rub a cut lemon directly within the affected skin and allow the juice that you follow the skin. Leave it on not less than an hour and then wash your face with water. Do that once daily. This simple remedy will
  • certainly lighten your skin complexion and can also prevent the introduction of scars on your face.
  • Mix three teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of turmeric powder or tomato juice to make a
  • paste. Apply the paste around the skin and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash it off with water. Do this once daily.
  • Alternatively, mix together one teaspoon each of lemon juice, powdered milk and honey. Apply it on your skin and then leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing them back. Do this daily or every other day.

Aloe Vera

Aloesin is really a compound that is present in aloe vera plant. Aloesin can inhibit tyrosinase activity thus controlling the production of melanin in your skin. This way you are able to get fairer skin by using aloe vera gel. As aloe vera also provide many additional benefits in the form of its antioxidant properties, it may give you a soft, smooth skin that is light in color.
How to use aloe vera for skin lightening?
  • Get a slice of the aloe vera leaf.
  • Cut open the leaf slice along with the help of a spoon, collect the gel inside it.
  • Apply this aloe gel to your skin 4 times a day.
  • Repeat this daily for about 15 days.
  • After 15 days, you are able to reduce the application frequency by apply it two times a day 3-4 times a week.

Yogurt Honey Mask

Like milk, yogurt contains enzymes that may gently lighten skin. Honey has moisturizing and antibacterial properties. Together, the 2 ingredients make a nourishing mask. Mix one part honey and one part yogurt, then spread the mix on your face and body. Allow it to take 15 minutes, then rinse it away with warm water.
  • Be sure to use plain, unsweetened yogurt. Sugary or flavored yogurt will get too sticky.
  • In place of honey, try mashing up an avocado or using aloe instead. Both ingredients possess a wonderful moisturizing effect.


Turmeric is often used to improve skin complexion. It helps develop the kind of melanin content to maintain an even skin tone. Also, turmeric has antiseptic and antioxidant properties which are good for your skin’s overall health.
  • Mix turmeric powder and milk cream to make a thick paste. Apply the paste on your skin. Let it dry and then wash it off with lukewarm water. When followed regularly, this straightforward remedy is really effective for skin whitening.
  • Alternatively, mix two teaspoons of gram flour, one-half teaspoon of turmeric powder and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mask and then leave it on for 20 to 25 minutes or until it's dry. Scrub off the dried mask after which rinse your skin with lukewarm water.
Home Remedies for Skin Whitening
Home Remedies for Skin Whitening


Milk, when drawn in, is a good source of protein and calcium for that body. When it is applied topically, it can be a good way to lighten one’s skin. The lactic acid within the milk has a non abrasive exfoliating impact on the skin and at the same time its fat contents moisturize the skin. This really is one reason why there are some who do milk bath every occasionally.