Monday 24 December 2012

Benefits Of Garbanzo Beans

Garbanzo beans, also called chickpeas, are used in many traditional dishes over the Middle East and East. These beans are filled with protein, fiber and are loaded with minerals and vitamins. They are versatile and can be cooked in a number of ways, but garbanzo beans may cause severe allergy symptoms in certain people.

Garbanzo beans or Chickpeas can be defined as delicious nut-like legumes, belonging to the plant family Fabaceae. Botanically, they're referred to as Cicer arietinum and come in a variety of colors, like red, brown, beige, black and green. Here are some benefits of garbanzo beans.

Fiber Advantage and Weight Loss

Like other beans, Chickpeas, are full of both soluble and insoluble soluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance within the digestive tract that snares bile (which contains cholesterol) and ferries it of the body. Research studies show that insoluble fiber not only helps you to increase stool bulk and stop constipation, but also helps prevent digestive complaints.

Heart Healthy 

Regular consumption of Chickpeas can lower LDL (bad) and total cholesterol. Garbanzos retain the significant amounts of folate and magnesium. Folate lowers the amount of the amino acid, homocysteine and strengthens the arteries. Studies have found chickpeas lower the risk of cardiac arrest

Protein for Vegetarians

Chickpeas are a good supply of protein. Combined with a whole grain for example whole-wheat protein, they provide amount of protein comparable to those of meat or dairy foods with no high calories or fatty foods.

Manganese for Energy Production

Garbanzos are loaded with the trace mineral manganese, which is an important cofactor in a number of enzymes important in wind turbine and antioxidant defenses. A single cup of garbanzo beans supplies 84.5% from the daily value for this mineral.

Weight Loss

Because of high fiber content and low GI, chickpeas are fantastic for weight loss diets. Salad with chickpeas are tasty and may keep you full longer, manipulating the appetite.

For Women 

Garbanzo contain phytochemicals called saponins, which could act as antioxidants. It could lower the risk of breast cancer, control osteoporosis and minimizes hot flushes in post-menopausal women.

Iron Boost

Garbanzos can improve your energy because of their high iron content. Many of the important for menstruating women, pregnant or lactating ladies and growing children. Iron is an integral element of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen in the lungs to all body cells, and it is part of key enzyme systems for wind turbine and metabolism.

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